Wednesday, 27 May 2009


Stupid school project. We tried to make it kinda fun, this is a hypothetical hat campaign.


indigojester said...

Hahahahaha this is sooo funny! I especially love number one, but I would use the quotes- "before period" and "after period" and would use the first picture in both cases! Needless to say, that goes for me...

Alexia Othonaiou Αλέξια Οθωναίου said...


Glad you laughed...

I was thinking about u today. I"ll try to call u 2morrow


Anonymous said...

gia sou alexia,

mou arese polu to asia comment,xaxa

epesa sxedon pano sou kanontas ena search kai etsi eipa na sou po mia kalimera.

polu kales kapoies eikones kai sxediasmoi apo auta opu eida,
genika prosegmeni kai poiotiki parousia, prepei na exeis oraio folio

perna kala
filia geovlass