Friday, 27 November 2009


Yes, my website is ready at last. I made it all myself so it took ages, but now that's it's over I'm happy. And I don't want to hear anything about html for a very very long time.

My website is , check it out!


Unknown said...

ksexases to "o" :P

poly kalh douleia ekanes me to site! :clap:
keep it up!

nihilio said...

Με γειες.

Και ναι, αν κάθεσαι και γράφεις HTML πρώτη φορά είναι λίγο πονοκέφαλος.

Alexia Othonaiou Αλέξια Οθωναίου said...

Ναι, μετά απο μερικά μέηλ φίλων που έλεγαν πως δεν ανοίγει η σελίδα και αφού φρίκαρα πως πάλι κάτι δεν πάει καλά, κατάλαβα οτι έλειπε ενα "ο". Μαλακία. χεχ

Θενκς guys!

Miz Lucas said...

I really like it! God... guess I should work on mine as well.. I've left it for dead almost! It's really beautiful, but I'm just concerned that some of your internal links don't work. When I click on one of the galleries only the two first and two last thumbnails of the row on top work.